lunes, 23 de abril de 2007

Push the Vaquita

A teacher of the wisdom took a walk by a forest with his faithful disciple, when he saw the distant spot a site of poor appearance, and decided to make a brief visit to the place. During the long walk he commented to him to the apprentice on the importance of the visits; also to meet and the opportunities learning that offer these experiences us. Arriving at the place it stated the poverty of the site: the wood house and the inhabitants, a pair and three children, dresses with dirty clothes, torn, and without footwear.

Then one came near the gentleman, apparently the family father, and it asked to him: “In this place possibilities of work nor points of commerce do not exist either. How you do and its family to survive here. The gentleman calmadamente responded: “Friend mine, we have a vaquita that gives to several liters of milk all the days. A part of the product we sell it or we changed it by other nutritional sorts in the neighboring city, and with the other part we produce cheese, curd, etc., for our consumption, and thus he is as we are surviving”.

The wise person thanked for the information, contemplated the place for a moment, soon he took leave and he went away. To half of way he turned around towards his faithful disciple and he ordered to him: “He looks for the vaquita, llévala to the precipice of there opposite and empújala to the precipice”. The frightened young person saw the teacher and she questioned to him on the fact that the vaquita one was the means of subsistence of that family. More as he perceived the absolute silence of the teacher, he went carry out an order. So, he pushed the vaquita by the precipice, and he saw it die.

That scene was recorded in the memory of that young one during some years. A beautiful day the young person solved to leave everything what she had learned and to return to that place, and to tell everything to the family, to request pardon and to help them. Thus he did it, and as one came near to the place saw everything very pretty, with flowery trees, everything inhabited. The young person felt sad and desperate imagining that that humble family had to sell particularly her land to be able to survive. He sped up and when arriving there he was received by a very likeable gentleman; the young person asked for the family who in that place lived about four years ago; the gentleman responded that there they continued living.

Frightened, the young person entered running the house and confirmed that really she was the same family who visited some years ago with the teacher. He praised the place and he asked to him the gentleman (the owner of the vaquita): “ How he made to improve this place and to change the life”.

The excited gentleman responded to him: “We had a vaquita that fell by the precipice and died. Of in ahead we saw ourselves there in the necessity to make other things and to develop other abilities that we did not know that we had; thus we achieveed the success that their eyes glimpse now.


All we have a vaquita that provides some basic thing to us for our survival, which is a coexistence with the routine; IT DOES EMPLOYEES TO US, AND THE WORLD IS ALMOST REDUCED TO WHICH THE VAQUITA PRODUCES TO US. It discovers as it is your vaquita and it takes advantage of the new millenium to push it by the precipice.

“Madness: to continue the same making and wait for different results”

Albert Einstein

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